Mela Pensioen offers you overview, insight and perspective.
With a refreshing and clear view, we provide you with a tailor-made advice.

Mela Pensioen has a clear vision on retirement. Our goal is to explain pension issues in a simple and understandable way for everyone. Retirement is an important part of your life and deserves the right attention. We help employers, works councils, entrepreneurs and individuals in making the right decisions to ensure a suitable pension.
Mela Pensioen is a part the MK Adviesgroep since September 2020. The MK Adviesgroep is an intermediary for all your pension advice and risk insurances
About Mela Pensioen

Mela Pensioen uses three key words: Overview, Insight and Perspective. In a clear and simple way we give our customers an overview of their (personal) situation. After that we provide insight into all the possibilities to arrange a pension provision. And finally, we work with you towards an optimistic perspective by making the right choices. This perspective can be different for everyone. Some want to work a few more days after retirement and others want to travel. Every choice is right, as long as you are happy with it.

By uniting these disciplines, together with you we can come to a pension provision that fully fits your company or (private) situation.

An apple for the thirst

The name Mela comes from Italy and means apple. The Dutch saying ‘apple for the thirst’ means saving money for the future. So now you know the link between the apple and pension. This is also what we are working towards in our advice. Another nice thing is that Mela in Hindi means honest.

That’s what we stand for: honest, clear and simple.